Maryanne Nucci

Being an artist as well as a visual learner creates difficulty when I try to describe how, why and what I do.

Words do not always offer enough explanation for how my art has changed shape, style and technique over the past years.

When in the midst of creating, long hours pass unnoticed as a quiet joy takes over. The outcome can be satisfying or unresolved, but the process is always the reward. 

The images change from portraits, to abstract, to weaving shapes and colors. Mediums can be watercolor, pencil or printmaking ink.

As Picasso said, “The painter paints to unload feelings and visions.”

Those works are my connection to art.

Email Maryanne

Instagram: nucciart


Solar etching, 8 X 6"

Viscosity monoprint with chine collé, 19 x 13"

Nobel Ladies
Monoprint, drypoint etching, 5 x 39"

Monoprint, 7 x 19"

Untitled (leaves)
Pochoir, 11 x 18"

Untitled (abstract)
Viscosity monoprint, 13 x 11"


Patricia Martin


Tricia Reichert